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Why Is My Toilet Not Flushing ?

Why Is My Toilet Not Flushing ?

An overflowing toilet is a messy problem to have. However, if your toilet is not flushing, it often results in this situation. To be in this situation for as little time as possible, determining the problem and finding a solution is necessary.

Toilet Not Flushing? Contact a Local Plumber

The problem could be a simple clog you can handle alone. It could also be something more serious that requires professional help. If you’re wondering, “Why is my toilet not flushing?”—keep reading. You’ll find out some of the most common problems and some solutions to go with them.

Reasons for Toilet Not Working

If a toilet suddenly stops flushing, there is no one obvious answer as to why. The reasons are varied and can come from all sorts of issues, big and small.

Clogged Toilet

In most cases, a toilet is not working because it is clogged. This is the most common plumbing issue and the issue that is easiest to deal with. Most toilets can be unclogged very easily with a plunger. Once they flush properly again, the clog is done.

However, some clogs can be more intense. If a clog doesn’t come unclogged with a plunger, it will require more advanced tools. In this case, a professional plumber will help. They can bring the necessary tools and tackle the clog in a way that most people cannot.

Outdated Low-Flow Toilet

Some older toilet models used low-flow technology designed to use less water. Unfortunately, this technology has a downside. Low-flow toilets often have more trouble handling waste, which leads to them clogging more often.

The solution for a clog in these toilets is the same as the solution for clogs in other types of toilets. However, many people choose to upgrade these models in favor of newer, better models. This prevents the issue from causing so much trouble in the future.

If you’re ready to prevent toilet problems with an upgraded model, call Campbell for your plumbing needs today.

The Flapper Is Bent or Warped

Inside all toilets is a mechanism called a flapper. The flapper is what prevents water from leaving the tank and flushing into the bowl. When the toilet is flushed, the flapper moves so that water can flow, then moves back into place so that water can gather in the tank once again.

However, the flapper can get damaged. Specifically, it is prone to bending or warping. If this happens, the seal it makes won’t be effective and will let water through. This will leave less in the tank when the toilet is flushed.

Fixing this typically requires replacing the flapper. Luckily, this is a pretty inexpensive part and will cost much less than replacing the entire toilet. Replacing the flapper is a job any professional plumber can handle with ease.

The Tank’s Water Level

If a toilet doesn’t flush, it may not have enough water. If the valve to the toilet is turned off, the toilet won’t get any water and, therefore, will have nothing to flush with. If the toilet has cracks or leaks, the water will escape and prevent it from having enough.

You can check this out for yourself to confirm this is the issue. By looking into the toilet tank, you can see the water level. If it doesn’t fill the tank, there is an issue.

No matter why the tank cannot get enough water, the solution is to address the problem. A valve that has been turned off simply needs to be turned on again. However, cracks and leaks will often require the assistance of a professional.

Toilet’s Handle and Chain

When a toilet is flushed, the act of flushing pulls a chain that moves the flapper. If something disrupts this process, the toilet won’t flush. In this way, the chain can be a problem. A chain that has broken interrupts the signal. So, when the handle is pressed, the chain doesn’t deliver the message from the handle to the flapper; thus, nothing happens.

This is another issue that any homeowner can check to see for themselves. The chain will be visible by removing the lid from the toilet and looking into the tank. If you press the handle and the chain doesn’t appear to respond, the problem is clearly something with the chain.

This is also a problem with an easy solution. Sometimes, the toilet chain just came loose and needs to be reattached. In others, the chain is broken but can be easily replaced. Depending on the issue, a professional plumber can do the job in no time.

The Inlet Holes Are Blocked

Toilets take in water through inlet holes. These holes allow water from the tank to flow into the bowl. If these holes are blocked, water won’t flow like this, and the toilet bowl won’t fill with water.

Most of the time, the holes simply need to be cleaned. Material can build up in the holes to the point where they end up blocked. Cleaning with a brush and some vinegar usually resolves the issue quickly.

Drain Line Problem

Sometimes, a problem with the toilet isn’t actually a problem with the toilet. It just indicates a larger problem within the home’s plumbing.

Problems with the plumbing can lead to a toilet backing up. This may be due to a drain line clog or another problem. In this situation, water is having difficulty leaving the house, so it backs up at points like a toilet.

This is a situation that absolutely requires the help of an experienced plumber. They will need to look at the home’s entire plumbing system. Doing so will give a picture of the situation and indicate where the problem lies. From there, they can work toward fixing things.

Call a Plumber

Some toilet issues require the help of a professional to resolve. Anyone can fix others but can still be fixed easier by a professional.

At Campbell, we can be the plumbers you need. We handle all types of jobs and have the skills necessary to take on any problem you have. You can book an appointment now and have your plumbing issue resolved before you know it.
